Uniformensemble of a Hauptsturmführer,
2. SS-Panzer-Divison «Das Reich»

This is for sure one of the most desirable pieces for a «Panzermen» ever! Here we go with the description of the owner:
Tunic: This is a standard Waffen-SS black panzer jacket with no seam down the back, smaller collar with rounded ends and vertical wrap around front. All buttons are black painted metal type instead of the common plastic buttons. the collar is piped in silver twist cord for an officer. The collar insignia includes a silver bullion runic tab with some wear and piped in silver twist cord. The rank collar tab has three diagonal metal pips and twin silver litzen and piped in silver twist cord. The shoulder boards are slip on style with black underlay, pink branch piping, matt silver straight cord tops and twin silver metal pips. The sleeve eagle is of the aluminum machine-woven style and mounted on the right sleeve midway between the shoulder and the elbow. Below the sleeve eagle is an aluminum machine-woven cuffband with DAS REICH in aluminum and the borders in silver-gray silk thread. The cuffband was considerably damaged on the backside from tank hatch rubbing. On the left breast is a cloth version of the German Cross in Gold on black backing. The metal gold wreath has small dents from vehicle entry and egress. The left sleeve has two Silver Tank Destruction Badges. In the buttonhole is an Iron Cross Second Class ribbon over a Russian Front Winter Service 1941/42 ribbon.
Cap: The cap is a Waffen-SS officer black panzer M1943 field cap made with fine-quality black wool with black interior and white size stencil. The cap is the Waffen-SS one-button style with a single black plastic button. There is aluminum wire piping around the crown and the two-piece insignia is machine-woven.
Iron Cross First Class (1939)
Panzer Assault Badge – 25 Combat Days
Wound Badge in Silver
© by the owner of the wrapper
Panzer Feldjacke for a Unterscharführer,
SS-Leibstandarte «Adolf Hitler»

Field tunic for the Panzer protective uniform of black wollen cloth, blick liner with white size stamping, dark synthetic resin buttons (diverse), EK buttonhole ribbon and loops for two awards. Machine-embroidered collar tabs and sleeve eagle, looped shoulder tabs with slip-over «LAH», hand-stiched sleve stripes in RZM issue. Wrapper features some moth holes. Extremely seldom Wrapper, fantastic preserved.

Thanks to R. Cristiani for providing us the pictures. © by the owner of the wrapper.
Panzer Feldjacke for a Oberscharführer,
5. SS-Panzer-Division «Wiking»

Field tunic for the Panzer protective uniform of black wollen cloth, blick liner with white size stamping, dark synthetic resin buttons (diverse), EK buttonhole ribbon and loops for three awards. Machine-embroidered collar tabs and sleeve eagle, looped shoulder tabs, hand-stiched sleve stripes in RZM issue. Extremely seldom Wrapper, fantastic preserved.

Thanks to W.S. for providing us the pictures from «The Ruptured Duck». © by the owner of the wrapper.